Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Somebody Else

New sharing from the OPM of the few bands that hails from the south... :)

Somebody Else
Wickermoss - Falling Leaves

Walk up on an average day
everythings looking fine
Got up, tool my shower
I dresses up in the fastest time
Walked out the door
my landlords teasing me
Asked if i got a date with you
I gave him a smile, strangely
funny, that aint cheering me
Lately there are colors floating in my life everywhere
But not a single one of them
Is for you babe, you're just not there

Oh, the feeling is weavering
Oh but i feel fine
Oh you're not what im thinking of
Coz, Ive somebody else gere
Inside my mind
Friends come up and ask me about how you're doing lately
Frankly i dont bother anymore
Id rather talk about the weather
No, i'm not mad, I still like you
But things aren't the way they used to be
I can still put my arms around you
but there's no electricity

I dont know how to tell you
I guess I don't want to
Maybe its just an attraction
But he's really getting my attention


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