Thursday, November 17, 2005


I was able to catch Sponge Cola's Video of Gemini and fell in love with the song all over again. The song is part of a certain Theatre Play for Romeo and Juliet...The classic tragic Love me a sucker for romance...Ü


come a little closer
flicker in flight
we'll have about an inch's space
but i'm here i can breathe in
what you breathe out
let me know if i'm doing this right
let me know if my grip's too tight
let me know if i can stay all of my life
let me know if dreams can come true
let me know if this one's your's too
coz' i see it
and i feel it right here
and i feel you right here
the vacuous night
steps aside to give meaning
to gemini's dreaming
the moon on its back
and the seemingly
veiled room's lit
by the same star.

Got the chance to chat with err early this morning, he sent me Superdrags song...and it really sounded like Session roads Leaving you...some comparison:(with the help of kuya err)

Superdrag - Strumming
Sessionroad - Plucking
Superdrag: 0000000022222222 44 55 7 9 11 12 5555
Sessionroad: 0000000022222222444444444555555
(...complying with the 7 chord prog rule!!!...pinoy talga!!)
Superdrag/Sessionroad- SAME!!!!!

...true, sessionroad complied with the 7 chord prog rule...but i believe they owe it superdrag to give credits, I believe Bone thugz did the same for their song, and they credited Uncle sam for the intro...Oh well...both are good song, but hearing Garmonbozia for the first jaw dropped!!!(OH MY GOD!!!!!)

oh well...back to work... :)


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