Monday, November 07, 2005

SIlent Prayer

...for those who know for who tis prayer nalang kayo ok?....this is the best i could offer him. No more no less...Ü

I get caught in silence every time you cross my mind. I want to lessen the pain that you are going through, I want to ease the hurt you are feeling. I pray that you may pass thru this, I pray that you get up and make yourself whole again. This is the best that I can do to make you feel better. I think this is the best way I can reach through your pain…I know I can do no more than this. It breaks my heart to see you drown yourself in work, in cigar, in beer…just to lessen the pain. I know I could have done something more when I was with you. I could have said more “words of wisdom”..i could have showed more care.
I would like to say sorry for saying nothing during that night. I was just speechless that time…I was caught surprised in the situation. Nevertheless, Im here to listen, I’m here for the shoulder to lean on.
You can pass by this, I know…as you said…life goes on…



At 8:42 AM, Blogger jaysantos said…

ang masasabi ko lang ... offering a shoulder to cry on is one thing, but it is a completely different shoulder if there is something more involved. while it is indeed sad what happened, being careful will save you more grief.

"Are we really out of time ?
Is there nothing we can try ?
If I say what's in my heart
Do you promise not to cry ?
Did you know how much it takes ?
Will this be my last mistake ?
Not to tell you how I'm scared
Then to watch you as you're slipping away
Will you know how much
I love you ?
Will you know how much
I care for you ?
This can't be the way it ends"
- Journey's End by Darius


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