Wednesday, October 12, 2005


test my patience...test my temper!
im scheduled for travel to PG for the whole of ww43.
today is ww42.3...guess what...
i may not go at all...
  • why are they meeting, who is sponsoring this from the DM level
  • what is the agenda and expected outcomes of each
  • what is the expected outcome of the f-f
  • what has the group done to minimize the time required
  • what has the group done to use other methods, Net meeting, etc

...honestly i feel bad...SAGAD!!! :(

whats at stake for him if he will be able to cut cost at the expense of my travel?

will that be able to fill up his Expedition?

tell me about it...all factories gave a go signal..(some sites even sent two reps) CV...c'mon!!!

have some heart!!! have some heart!!!

cut the crap!!!...whats the real score!!!

"Till everything burns, till everyone screams, burning their lies, burning my dreams, and all of this hate, and all of this pain, burn it all down, cause my anger raise...till everything burns!"

-ben moody and anastacia/everything burns


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